Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It starts at the beginning

I’ve been looking at kindergartens for a few months as Little B is nearly 3. And I have to say that I have been surprised by the lack of environmental consciousness in most them. You would think that in this day and age with Stephanie Alexander’s school kitchen gardens and the like there would be more interest in all things eco.

I’m lucky that I have found a kindy that follows my green and sustainable ethos. I think this is really important for two reasons: one, I want to support and encourage local community projects / businesses that are reducing their carbon footprint and two, I want Little B to learn these life skills, belief systems, fundamentals from places other than just our little family.

His new kindy-to-be is on green energy, has water tanks, is chemical free, has a vegie garden for the kids, has a Bokashi bucket, a worm farm, fruit trees and only uses art and craft supplies which are recycled.

And I’m proud to say that even though he is only 3, the primary school that this kindy feeds into is equally green. In my opinion, this is the best type of education to begin their lives.

1 comment:

  1. Thats great you have found such a green kindy! My daughters child care are good on the environmental education side of things - they have a nature table, vege garden, and compost bin. But they also use lots and lots of plastic bags.

    Tricia (from Little eco footprints - sorry aout the horrile number that comes up as my user name - I'm finding it impossible to fix).
