Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Little Baby Crowns

We've been going great guns with our preparations for spring planting since my last post. I've sort of just run with the excitement and momentum we'd been feeling. Totally helped by the bizarre mild and sunny weather we've been having. I keep waiting for winter to come back like some bad joke.

I went ahead and ordered 10 asparagus crowns and then quickly put in a bed dedicated to them and got it all ready. Which was great really, since they came way quicker than I expected. In fact they had to live in the crisper in the fridge for 24 hours.

But the bed proved too tempting for local cats or possums (actually our local possums are the size of cats). After an episode or two of the crowns being dug back up again after planting and re-planting, it was off to the local hard ware store to invest in some chicken wire to close it all in. (all pics courtesy of my pint sized helper).

First little baby asparagus head :-)

And I've been rewarded with some growth from said crowns. A totally bad photo but it's the first little asparagus head poking through. Which is now all covered in compost.

Now if I could only get organised about our potatoes. I have the bags and the little seed potatoes are hiding at the bottom of our linen cupboard. I just need to dig out the compost to get it all started (hmm not feeling the urge to dig in the there at the moment LOL). 

I also need said compost to finish off preps on my other beds. They have all been dug over and manured but need some composty love. We are planning on putting in 3 more beds before spring but I want to square off everything else before we move onto those.

Maybe tomorrow...

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