Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So what are you normally doing at 7:30am?

For me, 7:30am varies wildly – I could be eating breakfast but I’m more than likely making a robot, or some pom poms or reading Yertle the Turtle for the 50th time.

Equally, I could be outside watching someone hop through the garden in his pj’s and gumboots, or be making paper bag clown puppets. Another strong contender is cooking. I often launch into making muffins, soup or bread at this hour.

I dream blissfully of what other people are doing at 7:30am. Are they leisurely eating breakfast? Reading the paper? Getting ready for work? Or even having the mythical sleep in? ;-)

I’m a morning person but even this has been challenged for the last 4 years by a super cheerful, super awake, super morning child. I love his joy and exuberance as he wakes every day and asks “is it morning time?”. When I say yes, we launch into our day – rain, hail or no sleep!!

7:30am – same time, same place, such an extraordinary hour…

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