Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Slow Living Diary - February 2012

After some serious blog envy, I decided to join in with Christine's online journal: the Slow Living Diary 2012 :-) So here's my February small list...

SLOW LIVING - February 2012
With the preschool year starting, I experimented with a variety of allergy friendly muesli bar recipes until we hit gold. Lots of muffins, rolls, dips - all easy to grab and eat as we hit the final swing of getting the house ready. And this week, had to create a mini pizza that Little B could put together at kindy "like the other kids" - yumm for sweet potato sauce, roast vegies and a tiny bit of cheese. I've also been eating lots of organic popcorn and sweet potato roasted in coconut oil....yummmmm

: Made a batch of pear jam, and froze extra meals to get us through the first few days after moving to the new house. Stockpiled groceries for the new pantry by buying a few extra things each week to reduce the sting of starting over in the pantry department.

Re-used old doors found in the shed for our laundry. Repurposed an old laundry sink into my new garden sink (mind you, Little B has eyes on it as a mud pie kitchen). Bought secondhand drawers for both bedrooms on Ebay. Clearing out Little B's crafting supplies and outputs as we moved - he could really craft anyone under the table.

Continuing as we already live. Experimenting with green cleaners for mirrors and windows. It's been a bit hit and miss - any suggestions??

Eaten up the last of the beans and the zucchinis - then ripped them out of the garden. Still enjoying cherry and roma tomatoes but not as many. Saved and re-potted the mint that was growing out of control in a small garden bed at the new house.

Made curtains for all the rooms in the house. Hmm not something I really want to repeat anytime soon but not as hard as you would think. Very grateful for the books I borrowed from the library so I bought the right amount of fabric. The hardest bit was pattern matching Little B's curtain fabric (total nightmare).

Been reading books on curtains, decorating and organic green cleaning from the local library. Also old back copies of Green magazine, for ideas on non toxic finished for secondhand finds. I'm really enjoying The Free Range Cook cookbook for ideas to alter and work into allergy friendly concoctions. I love that you can borrow anything you like and there's no pressure to like it.

: I've joined the preschool committee as the communications member. I'm responsible for the newsletter and as of today, have stepped in to fill the hole left by the resigning secretary. We're making a concerted effort to buy locally from growers.

lots of birthdays, my SIL visiting for 3 weeks from Paris, celebrating 10 years with my lovely husband, watching my little boy absolutely thrive at his new preschool this year with a new teacher. His joy and happiness brings a tear to my eye (tears of joy of course LOL).

It's been a good month and I love the idea of focussing and embracing the positive - our life in review xx


  1. You made curtains for every room in the house? Wow! I'm in total awe. Wonderful to have you joining in, Mrs B - I'd love to have a peek at that gold muesli bar recipe of yours if you get a chance anytime soon! ;)

    1. Hi Christine,

      Call it being a sucker for punishment. I havent managed to hem said curtains yet but hopefully this month :-)

      Will post my muesli bar recipe as soon as I can!! It's very yummy!!

  2. I'm very curious about the Sweet Potato Sauce. Is it a sauce for sweet potatoes or a sauce made out of sweet potatoes? Either way, they're one of my favorites. :-)

    1. Hi Kathryn,

      It's a pizza sauce made of sweet potatoes. Little B cant eat tomatoes but this is nice and sweet and goes brilliantly with cheese :-)

  3. The curtains look fantastic! Love that fabric... you guys have had a busy month!

  4. Hmm, I thought I left a comment earlier but blogger must've eaten it! I was (and still am!) in total awe of your curtain making - every room in the house? Wow.

    Talking about green cleaners for your windows, we usually use a vinegar spray (either straight or diluted) and clean with newspaper. I think I've heard that methylated spirits added to the solution will eliminate streaks but I haven't tried this.

    Great to have you joining in, Mrs B! :)

  5. I love the curtain fabric - it's lovely! I'm a massive fan of the local library too. I have fond memories of wandering around as a child and am just as addicted to books now :-)

    Well done for getting involved in your preschool committee! My 4yo has just started at our local preschool (and sounds like she is loving it as much as your little one). I decided that I just don't have the energy at the moment for being involved in the committee but I'm planning to help out as much as I can instead.
