Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Design of a Decade

"When the day shall come, that we two shall part,' he said softly, and turned to look at me, 'if my last words are not "I love you" - ye'll ken it was because I didn't have time.' - Jamie to Claire, The Fiery Cross

This weekend past, Mr B and I celebrated our 10th anniversary by moving into our new house. It's not quite ready but totally liveable (read I dont have a laundry yet LOL).

It felt eminently appropriate that we should celebrate what we felt was a significant milestone, by beginning the next part of our lives after the mold saga in our next house. Our hopefully very permanent house for the next decade :-) 

So as my tribute to the lovely man in my life, I thought I would show Mr B's piece de resistance of the new house. In all our prior reno's, we have never attempted a bathroom. So Mr B had quite the steep learning curve and he has done an amazing job. And this is it from start to finish...

And so you meet my lovely lovely new bathroom!! The loveliest I've every had!!

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