Having had solar panels before (albeit for a very short time), I know how effective they can be at decreasing your electricity bills
if you are also watching your usage. But this time around I've been having more fun checking out what makes the dial go forward rather than backwards (ie what is an electricity guzzler since we want the system to feed back to the grid).
And it's been an interesting few weeks. Some things have surprised me and some have just been a confirmation of the obvious...
* the slow cooker uses hardly any electricity and the dial goes backwards when it's on
* the dial spins crazily forward whenever anyone uses the kettle :-0
* the dial moves forward when the microwave is on standby (which it never is because a) I already know it's an energy sucking monster and b) I hate EMF's).
* the fridge obviously doesnt impact much as the dial goes backward when it's on
* we are currently only using 1kw a day (and that's without making any changes really)
So what changes to make?? Granny B would like an
ecokettle as it allows you to only boil what you need and thus reduces energy usage. But Mr B and I have preferred to use a little gas hob kettle we got from the op shop in the past. It's currently being used by Little B to dress up as the Saucepan Man from The Faraway Tree but will go back to the kitchen when we buy a house :-)
We already do all the obvious things - keep things switched off at the powerpoint to avoid vampire loads, wash in cold water, use sunshine rather than lights when we can, have laptops not computers, have gotten rid of anything electrical that's main job is to be a power sucker (read answering machines, cordless phones). And obviously when we arent living here and Granny B is working all day, there will be nothing on to compete with the solar feeding back into the grid!!
So in the meantime, I cant wait to see what happens with Granny B's first bill :-)