Sunday, September 1, 2013

Slow Living Diary August 2013

Slow Living 2013 - Month by Month 

I’m once again joining in with Christine from Slow Living Essentials for a monthly reflection of slow living.

NOURISH: I’ve been enjoying trying out new recipes…loved these little quiches using mountain bread (great for lunchboxes or picnics). Also these roast vegie tarlets which are great for after school. I’ve also been making lots of different soups (Roast Carrot & Parsnip, Potato & Cauliflower). But I’m also glad the warmer weather is here because I’m starting to feel all souped out :-)

I am so in love with Rooibos tea at the moment. I drink it by the bucket loads and it has made me feel much more awake in the mornings (my massage therapist who is treating my hip says that I am majorly dehydrated when she sees me and suggested this).

PREPARE: Now that I’m working I spend a lot more time on this category to save me time. I’m buying more in bulk and am always 1 up on all our key items in the pantry. Once a month I cook all Little B’s snacks for school and freeze them: muffins, biscuits, slices. This actually often lasts longer than a month. Every fortnight, I cook enough bread rolls to get him through that fortnight. I also slow cook something yummy on the weekend for my lunches during the week, so I don’t have to think twice in the morning.I just grab a soup, some fruit and I’m packed.
REDUCE: I’m making a concerted effort not to fall into buying things just because I’m working. Instead I’m trying to put in processes to make my life easier, rather than things!!

GREEN: I’ve started making my own deodorant after having a horrible reaction to a natural one (not unlike a chemical burn though it had no chemicals..the mind boggles). This recipe by Easy Peasy Organic is fabulous!! Work can be inconsistent heat wise (sometimes hot and sometimes cold), and this works a treat….no stinky armpits LOL.

I've added rooibos tea to it to be antibacterial and antifungal as I cant use essential oils due to Little B's allergies and it still works brilliantly.

GROW: Over the last two weekends, we’ve been weeding all the vegie beds at Granny B’s and mine are about to be ripped out completely. I’ve realised I cant overcome what the previous owners did to them, so we are ripping them out and starting from scratch again this year…also means I can put in more vegie beds *happy dance*

CREATE: Not much going on here at the moment.

DISCOVER: Going back to work has been challenging because there’s very few people who are green or sustainable. So I’ve been nourishing myself with lots of sustainable books and magazines from the library to feel grounded.

Lots of back copies of Grass Roots magazines, I re-read Tanya Ha’s updated copy of Greeniology and I’m currently reading a book called Sustainable Home.

But my absolute favourite book this month has been The Brain That Changes Itself by Dr Norman Doidge. It is mind blowing in its explanation of how the brain has plasticity and can be changed and adapted right into old age. With a child with additional needs, this has kept me riveted and inspired me to adapt things for Little B.

ENHANCE: Lots of baking for cake sales, and helping out at the working bee for school.


~ Canoeing, canoeing, canoeing
~ Mr B taught Little B to fish (ahem, mummy sat on the banks and read a book :-)