Saturday, April 6, 2013

Slow Living Diary March 2013

I’m once again joining in with Christine from Slow Living Essentials for a monthly reflection of slow living.

NOURISH: I’ve started making vegie burgers and freezing them in bulk lots. They make for an easy meal if we are caught out late. I made allergy friendly hot cross buns for Easter which were seriously yum. I’ve also started experimenting with carob syrup in savoury dishes as an alternative to soy sauce (sounds weird I know LOL) but very helpful to branch out for Little B.

PREPARE: Freezing vegie burgers, school snacks and I’m also trying to do a day of bread by staggering times (we currently make 2 loaves at a time, this means I can make 4 loaves within roughly the same time period – 1 extra hour).

REDUCE: Nothing to report here that I can think of.

GREEN: Mr B and I have been researching a wood heater for our fireplace. The good news is we can have one, and now we just have to work out which efficient one we like. We would really like to stop relying on town gas for our heating.

GROW: We harvested the last of our beans and zucchini then ripped the plants out. Our jalapeno chillies are still going strong and we are just about to finish the last of our apples (3 left). We will leave the garden to rest over winter as we hope to revitalise or move the beds during this time.

CREATE:  I finished my hot water bottle finally…yay!! :-) I sewed 48 handwriting grips for Little B’s prep (FYOS) class. They looked a bit like this. And for Easter with so few leaves around due to our delayed autumn, I sewed an autumn leave bunting (following atutorial by Twig & Toadstool).

DISCOVER:   I’ve been reading crochet granny square books to get ideas for my next couple of projects – a lap blanket for Little B and a beanie for me.

I also read The Storyteller by Jodi Piccoult and really disliked it!! I normally quite like her writing, having read all her books from the start but then again perhaps I should applaud her writing as it was not the nicest of subjects and perhaps that encouraged my dislike??

ENHANCE: I sewed the handwriting grips for school (they don’t have enough funding to buy them).

~ Thanks to Granny B, we went and saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at Her Majesty’s Theatre – it was well worth the trip – the flying car illusion is amazing.

~ Little B lost another tooth and the tooth fairy came again bringing a beautiful pink agate stone (we give stones a la Sparkle Stories martin & Sylvia).

~ We started sailing our “new” 2nd hand boat and found that Little B loves it as much as the canoe.

~ Little B graduated to a blue belt at Karate and I applied for and accepted a new part time job :-o

~ And last but not least, we survived Little B’s first term of school with a few tears, lots of laughter and a whole bunch of new and old friends (both he and I).


  1. Those handwriting grips are so cool - I've never seen anything like them.

  2. Freezing vegie burgers is a great idea! Thanks for the idea :-)
