Last year, the aim of Little B’s birthday was to show our guests the variety of party foods that you could make and have that were allergy free. I used the opportunity to show case some really yummy foods (sushi, chocolate crinkle cookies, home made sausage rolls and party pies, chicken nuggets etc).
And I’m hoping to do something similar this year. Though this year’s food is aimed at the 3 year olds not the parents. So I’m looking at simpler, easy hand held food like pikelets, faux gingerbread cookies, but will again bring out the sausage rolls. And who can forget the party cake – a dinosaur one that will be dairy, soy, egg and nut free and low in salicylates.
We've already done a trial run of the birthday cake and it was delicious. And didnt last very long - Mr B particularly like it (and we use him as our daily critic).
But it never ceases to amaze me, that children take and embrace simple wholesome food so easily. A pikelet is just as warmly embraced as a chocolate (not that you’ll see any of that in our house unfortunately LOL).
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